Food Cupboard

The Food Cupboard
Thursday’s 12:30-3 p.m.

There are many in need in Brockville. They are most appreciative of our Food Cupboard. We try to provide healthy choices on a limited budget. We are very thankful for donations from the church family particularly the gift cards as these avoid duplication of items. Garden produce generously donated from the church family provides fresh vegetables for many.

The numbers vary weekly and monthly without any rationale. Many new faces show up as the need becomes greater. When they come they are surprised that we only take their names, no other ID. As they become more comfortable with us they tell us of their needs, sometimes asking for prayer.  Each time there is only that person present so they are not embarrassed, God is so gracious.  A number of times they return telling us how prayer had worked.

They are also offered the Daily Bread and a variety of tracts, some take them, some don’t.  When it is hot we offer water and hot chocolate when the temperature drops. Gloves and socks are popular in colder weather.

And the reason we do it is found in Matthew 25:40,

…in as much as you did it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me.”