The Terms Reflecting the Mission

When people think of going to church, they think of a group of old people inside a building doing religious stuff. But as the redeemed know, the term “church” means the “called out ones”, because that is what we are. We have been called by God’s grace out of a hopeless, rebellious world and into a life of relationship with an Almighty God who loves His people.

The Apostles Peter tells us that God has applied various terms to us. Each term relays a different aspect of the position and relationship you have in Christ.
In 1 Peter 2 these terms are:
• Living stones v 5
• Holy priesthood v5
• Chosen people v9
• Royal priesthood v9
• Holy Nation v9
• The People of God v10
• Aliens and strangers in the world v11

It becomes obvious that, as believers, we have a new relationship with the world around us. No longer lost without hope, but rather “a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9). This means that you, as an individual believer, were created to worship with other individual believers and to hold forth the word of life. The reason you are currently not in Heaven is that you have not finished the job the Lord has for you. He wants you to reach your family, pray for them and live a life of hope for them to see. All those terms above show us that our Saviour values you, and keeps you here to both be His hands and to His mouth.
Today, think about how the Lord must value you when He has called you all these terms and, regardless of our struggles, pray for the Lord to work through you and complete the mission He has for you.

Grace Devotions

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