“Can anyone hide in secret places so I the Lord can not see him?”
(Jeremiah 23:24)
The world is full of troubles and conflicts, poverty and hunger. As a result, people are fleeing their countries looking for safety and a better life. Those that don’t flee try to hide from the problems around them and live in constant uncertainty.
Though we may not be faced with the same domestic problems, we too often hide from our own problems. We hide from the consequences of our actions, from our past and even from issues that currently face us. Yet, the Bible tells us no one can hide from God, nor can we hide anything from him. For He knows where we are every moment, and everything is fully exposed to His eyes.
He knows our thoughts, our needs, and our problems. He knows and sees every action and hears every comment said in private. But most of all, He fully sees where we stand before Him, whether our actions are genuine or just religious deeds and if they are sincere or not.
There is nothing we can hide from the Lord, yet this isn’t meant to scare us, but to make us realize that He truly loves us and has compassion for His children. What a wonderful thing to know that in our deepest struggles and during times of great loneliness, the Lord is beside us carrying us through the dark hard times.
Today, we realize that we may be able to hide many things from people, but we cannot hide our thoughts and actions from Him, nor should we want to. Bring our burdens to Him and lay them before our compassionate God, knowing that He cares for you today, He knows your struggles, and He is calling you to come to Him