God is Light, in Him there is no darkness at all
1 John 1:5

How would you describe God in one word? What sort of term sums up the entire nature, mission, and being of God?
The Apostle John wrote in his first epistle that “God is Light”, and that definition captures in the most simple terms the entire nature of God. The purpose of this definition was to show that God is more than we can imagine, much greater than any human thought can perceive and more glorious than anything language can describe.

Here are just a few thoughts as to the significance of God being described as Light – where there is no darkness.

1-   God is perfect. He never makes a mistake, never does or allows anything but what is
perfect to Him.
2-   Light pictures God’s Holiness. Morally, God is pure, and is the measuring stick for the
morals of our world.
3-   Light refers to His power; strong, brilliant, never ceasing.
4-   Light refers to God’s sinless nature, and to the nature of Jesus Christ who died not for His
sins but for ours.
5-   Light reveals the purpose of the Father sending His Son to us. Christ is to be a means of
seeing God. “In your light do we see light” (Psalm 36:9)
6-   Light shows the eternal nature of God and that, as light continues, so does our God.
7-   Light penetrates the darkness, and so the sacrifice of Jesus Christ penetrates the sin of our
lives and gives us new life.
8-   As light shines into every nook and cranny, God’s revealing power shows to me areas that
need to be surrendered to Him.
9-   As light shines upon us, God desires to have fellowship with us through prayer. God
desires to build an intimate relationship with us.
10- As light gives warmth, the love of God warms our entire being as His love surrounds us

Grace Devotions

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