Have you broken your New Year’s Resolution yet?

Almost everyone makes some kind of promise to themselves at this time of year. Maybe you would like to make some sort of drastic change in your life, like loose weight or start exercising, or maybe you have a different goal in mind, like getting organized or finishing a certain project.

This year I didn’t make a resolution, because I know I will not keep it. I am saving myself from the guilty feelings I would inflict upon myself at some point in the future, when I fail.

The Dictionary tells us the meaning of the word ‘resolution’ includes ‘a formal statement expressing the opinion, will, or intent of a body of persons’.

Our promises might not be worth much. We don’t really expect to keep every promise we make. Our intentions are good, but we probably won’t think too badly of ourselves if we don’t reach our goals.

The Bible also talks of promises.There are many promises given to believers, but you can be sure that none of these will ever be broken or fail.

Some of these well-known ones are “I will never leave you or forsake you” Hebrews 15:5 ,or “For God …gave His Son…that whoever believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life”. John 3:16, and “I go to prepare a place for you … I will come again and will take you to Myself, that where I am you may be also” John 14:2.

Unlike any promise we can make, we have the assurance that God will keep His Word. God sent His Son Jesus to Earth to die for us, because of His infinite love for us.

If we have asked His forgiveness for all the sins we have done, and asked Him to be our Saviour, then we have the promise of an eternal home with Him.

If you haven’t already made this decision, let this be the year you get your life right with the Lord.

We do not know how much more time we may be given on this Earth, and someday, as He promised, He will return.

Will you be ready?

Grace Devotions

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